Sean Carroll’s Mindscape - #220: Lara Buchak | Risk and Rationality Lara made a persuasive case for including risk aversion in or alongside utility calculations.
Making Sense - #306: Psychedelics and Mortality The research is encouraging, but of more interest was the equanimity with which Roland Griffiths is facing his own death.
The Fifth Column - #386: “” It’s a worthwhile observation that many who leave Twitter don’t return. Given the ease with which you can get back on it, more people should try.
Freakonomics Radio - #526: Was Adam Smith Really a Right-Winger? He’s probably my favourite Enlightenment philosopher, and his foresight into the benefits of free trade and self-interest we remarkable.
Future of Life Institute - Anders Sandberg: ChatGPT and the Future of AI Anders was markedly reasonable of the prospects, our sketchy ability to predict progress, and generative AIs’ current strengths.
The Essential Sam Harris - Making Sense of Consciousness When the philosophical zombie stopped seeming realistic, and the story of Mary, the colour scientist, also fell apart in my mind, I naturally transitioned to a more Dennet-like position. Revisiting how I used to think by listening to the people who shaped my early impressions was fascinating.