Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Podcast Recommendations - 02/10/22

Making Sense - #297: Preparing for the End BJ Miller is the rare individual meaningfully and evidently changed by a traumatic experience. Where many would be altered for the worse or revert to their same character, he sounds enlightened by his triple amputation.

The Dishcast - Christopher Hitchens: Religion and Terrorism Hitchens’ bluntness was brilliant - he called out Andrew for degrading himself when he tried to defend religion.

Philosophise This! - #170: Albert Camus | The Fall I love the idea of Camus calling out social justice warriors.

Revisionist History - The Rise of Guinea Pigs Malcolm’s much-needed defence of challenge trials was rousing.

Best of The Spectator - Podcast special: Britain in the global fight against COVID Hearing how much our investment and logistical prowess kicked ass in rolling out vaccines will never be boring.

Freakonomics, MD - #55: This Vaccine Lottery Seemed Like a Great Idea. Why Didn’t It Work? Endorsing vaccine scepticism by paying people to have it was always a risk.