Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Podcast Recommendations - 14/08/22

Conversations with Tyler - William MacAskill: Effective Altruism, Moral Progress, and Cultural Innovation The exciting parts of the conversation were where Tyler and William disagreed on pluralism, economic growth, and investment.

The Reason Interview - Whole Foods’ John Mackey: “I Feel Like Socialists Are Taking Over” I was glad to have Mackey’s “conscious capitalism” explained. I wish him luck in his new outspoken life following his retirement.

The Reason Rundown - Matt Welch Talks Taxes Peter Suderman discussed the expansion of the IRS with Matt.

The Fifth Column - #368: Eli Lake | “Mar-a-lago Momentoos and Nuclear Codes” Eli is one of my favourite TFC guests, and he gave me another perspective on the FBI’s conduct.