Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Podcast Recommendations - 17/04/22

Two for Tea - #124: Oliver Burkeman | Time Management for Mortals
Have I bought this yet? An outside observer would undoubtedly point out how suited it is for me.

This American Life - #767: Do Not Go Gentle
This podcast contextualised the tragedy of Viktor Orbán’s reelection.
It also gave me hope that some brave Russians are willing to stand up for human rights.

The Munk Debates Podcast - Julia Galef Dialogue
Julia inspires me to seek truth, letting go of what I want to be the case.

[Making Sense - #278: The Man Who Will Be King]
The crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Muhammed bin Salman, is an odd blend of tolerant and vicious. He is simultaneously reforming the country and executing his population.

Radiolab - NULL
The man who changed his license plate to “NULL” is a genius! Also, how is “Null” a valid last name? 😆

The Fifth Column - #353: Destroying Democracy, One Tweet at a Time
The best reaction to Elon’s Twitter bid and about Ukraine.