Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Listen to Dilemma Podcast

Dilemma Podcast - S3E6: What Kind of Truth? | Spencer Greenberg

I recommend all three seasons of Dilemma Podcast, and this most recent episode is as good a place to jump in as any. After that, hopefully, you’ll be intrigued enough to go back and start from the beginning.

“Valuism” is beautifully insightful in the way only the most intuitive, obvious, unconsidered observations can be. The concept of intrinsic and contingent values is amongst the most applicable thinking tools philosophy provides.
I don’t want to ignore his framework of truth spaces, though. They’re not intuitive enough - a problem that Bayesian reasoning shares. I’ll revisit this episode soon to get a better grasp - consensus space gives a name to something I’ve tried to capture before.