Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings


  • While mortality rates have decreased, the rate of suicides has remained steady.
  • A significantly higher proportion of white men die from suicide than African American men.
  • A lack of a social network increased the suicide risk.
  • At one point, army suicide rates were low than the general population due to psychological screenings, but they have increased to surpass those seen in gen-pop.
  • 80% who attempt suicide explicitly deny it beforehand.
  • There are institutional interventions for suicide, but as an individual, a safe thing to do is ask if somebody is contemplating suicide. It does not increase the chances of an attempt and can only start a conversation.
  • There is a paradox between more openly discussing suicide and the “viral effect”. There is only evidence for this effect when a person idolises a victim of suicide.
  • Eventually, biometric indicators will reliably predict a high risk of a suicide attempt, and then it will be a question of ethics as to when to intervene.