- How would Aliens showing up affect the beliefs of ideological dogmatists? (religious and other)
- The two different kinds of religious “Faith” and the human tendency to deny inconvenient evidence
- Why anything is possible and the reality to human comprehension
- What recognition of The Axiom of the Infinite Unknown (TAIU) opens up
- How the scientific method works (ala Carl Sagan, Karl Popper, David Deutsch, Emil du Bois Reymond, David Hilbert)
- Science denial and logically coherent lunacy
- The difficulties of understanding probabilities and sequential logic
- The explosion of knowledge in the last 300 years
- Dialogues on Similarities and Hypotheticals
James Valaitis:
Website - infinityjames.com
Micro.blog: jv.micro.blog
Twitter - @infinityjames
Ciaran O’ Regan:
Website - www.quarrelsomelife.com
Instagram - @CTQuarrelsome
Twitter - @CTQuarrelsome