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It strikes me as patently wrong to look at George Floyd as a person who shares his complexion and relate to him more than a person with a different skin colour living in the same region. Unless you are also a fentanyl addict prone to using counterfeit money, his interaction with the police says nothing about what you might expect to experience in your life.
An ignorant man in fear of being killing by a terrorist is no less rational than the cries of an ignorant African American in fear of being killed by a police officer. The former is, appropriately, viewed as absurd. The latter has somehow become unquestionable.
In the United States in 2017, terrorist incidents were responsible for the deaths of 95 citizens. In the same year, the police killed 22 “black” unarmed US citizens.
In 2020, in America, your skin colour does not make you a target. To imagine otherwise is lunacy.