Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Qualities in Experts

  1. hyperbole and exaggeration vs realistic outcomes over realistic time frames
  2. cure alls/fix alls/one size fits alls vs specific solutions to specific problems in specific contexts
  3. absolutism (always, never etc.) vs probability (some of the time, most of the time, almost always)
  4. lack of references vs familiarity with the research for what they are an expert in and stating when they are speaking anecdotally
  5. derision of opposing viewpoints vs considering opposing viewpoints and shifting a position when good points are made
  6. lack of context vs explaining when something applies and when it doesn’t
  7. diets/programs vs principles
  8. people who have never publicly admitted they are wrong vs those who admit they are wrong and change their stance
  9. singular numbers vs ranges
  10. non-customizable systems vs systems that have if/thens built in if you don’t progress or stall
  11. appeals to authority vs appeals to logic
  12. an answer for everything vs answers only in areas they have expertise