Describing certain phenomena on a macro level is better because it allows for a clarity and succinctness not achievable if everything was brought down to the movement of atoms. For example, take a 35ºC day on which the air conditioning breaks in a gym and everybody is made to leave the building. You simply wouldn’t be able to explain this event on the level of atoms within your lifetime, and so the explanation of the situation as I originally gave it does a better job. However, that is not to state that events did not all transpire because of the movement of atoms - they absolutely did. To mistake this more parsimonious explanation as separate to a micro level explanation is a mistake. Even worse is to ascribe a top down causation of events, such that the minds of those humans is what determined the movement of atoms and ultimately the mass exodus from the gym. This would forget that those minds are the generation of a brain made of identical atoms and would require an introduction of something magical.