Yesterday I watched this fourth, and supposed final, instalment in my favourite ever franchise. I don’t believe I have a stronger connection to anything from my childhood - Pixar have always been there, but more than that, Buzz and Woody inhabit my consciousness in a profound way.
The ending hit me like a run away freight train, and I won’t speak in specifics, I’ll only say that I was left an emotional wreck exiting the cinema as I had feared may be the case upon my entry.
Toy Story has always had a pure humour, but Toy Story 4 seemed to have more jokes than ever, and it was hilarious. The animation was yet another step up and seeing how these characters have technically evolved on screen has been a meta joy in itself. Bo Peep was awesome in every way that one could want, and this brief summary of my thoughts couldn’t possibly finish without a shout out to the stroke of genius which is Giggles McDimples.
I consider myself fortunate to have connected so early on with a franchise of such quality. Children will watch any crap, as some of the trailers before TS4 attest, but I watched Pixar, and I watched Buzz Lightyear, and I’ve reaped the rewards for decades since. Thank you Pixar for never mis-stepping with characters which are so beloved.