Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Benefits of Resistance Training


  • Cognitive performance and ability to retain information.
  • Reduces the rate of decline for people who have cognitive diseases and improves quality of life because reduces reliance on care.
  • Regular exercise significantly improves depression and anxiety.

Cardio Respiratory:

  • Most people reach required cardio respiratory fitness threshold to avoid premature death or development of disease processes (8 metabolic equivalents / MET) from just resistance training.
  • Blood pressure is increased and left ventricular hypertrophy results from strength training but as it is an adaptive response it is a different type of hypertrophy and there is an increased amount of elasticity in the arterial system.
  • Resting blood pressure is lowered and aerobic exercise is only superior if combined with the usually associated weight loss.

Músculo Skeletal System:

  • Increased lean body mass improves quality of life and avoids slow painful death associated with sarcopenia.
  • Decreased waist circumference (even more than cardio) significantly lowers risk of disease development.
  • Bone density has its own list of benefits.