Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Let Caster Semenya Compete

I’d like to write more about Caster Semenya, but in brief it is my belief that we should embrace our mutants. What is sport other than a celebration of the freaks among us?

In a desire to define the separation of male and female in a manner which accounts for the intersex population and those with the “incorrect” chromosomes an arbitrary testosterone level was determined to be the cut off. Focusing on Semenya here it is clear this doesn’t work - she is a female naturally gifted with higher testosterone. In basketball we celebrate the 7ft anomalies, in swimming we accept the size 14 feet, and in running we are in awe of the explosive achilles tendons.

Semenya’s refusal to begin testosterone suppression is heartening, and I only hope that the IAAF revise their policy on those with differences of sex development (DSD).