Meditations and Learnings

Meditations and Learnings

Collective Munchausen

Gad Saad sought a theory to explain the mass hysteria associated with social justice warriors, and so in early 2016 he constructed such a theory and called it “collective Munchausen” syndrome. Munchausen disorder is when somebody feigns a medical illness or injury to garner sympathy and empathy. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is seen when a carer harms those under their care to garner sympathy.

His argument is that what we see amongst regressive, far-left types is more than just mass hysteria. Rather there is an explicit goal, to be seen as victims of the highest order. Subsequently the faux-fear which has permeated the culture over the past few years is a form of collective Munchausen, the perpetuation of which requires cries of safety concerns and a dichotomous view of the world - good versus evil.