The body serves as the machine - the robotic exterior if you will.
It is our inherited deep culture which can be understood as the the firmware / operating system.
The software are those programs that we run in our brain which can be created, used, updated, and deleted (language, habits, etc.)
The culture and software are each as biological a phenomena as genes, and culture works as a partner to genetics within the human being. The benefit to cultural phenomena is the flexibility, something which cannot be said for genetics. However, cultural apparatus is vulnerable to dying out over a single generation which is evidently not true of our genes. For example, the creation of a medicine using a natural herb can be inherited through culture, but in a single generation with a long, hard winter wherein the herb does not grow the information will die out. The counterexample are genes responsible for producing an enzyme capable of breaking down a food. If the food were absent for even multiple generations the genes would still be there ready for when they were required.